Bull Fighter

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EMU Infos
dumper f205v, Mame Italia Forum
date 21/03/2005
emulator MAME 0.94u5
dev Brian Troha
PCB Infos
name bullfgtr on Arcade Database
description Bull Fighter
year 1984
manufacturer Alpha Denshi

Technical references


QTY Type clock position function
1x HD68000-8 main PCB 13e 16/32-bit Microprocessor - main
1x ALPHA-8303-44801B42-3M-3 main PCB 4a 4-bit Microcomputer - main (internal ROM not dumped)
1x M5L8085AP sound PCB 2p 8-bit Microprocessor - sound
1x MSM5232RS sound PCB 2c 8 Channel Tone Generator - sound
1x AY-3-8910 sound PCB 2a Programmable Sound Generator - sound
5x LM324 - sound PCB 4m,5m,4k,5j,5h Quad Operational Amplifier - sound
1x uPC1181 - sound PCB 5n Audio Amplifier - sound
1x oscillator unmarked X-TAL sound PCB 1p


QTY Type position status
1x TMS2732 main PCB 3e dumped
4x 2764 sound PCB 1h,1k,1l,1m dumped
6x 2764 main PCB 10b,10d,12b,12d,13b,13d dumped
12x 2764 lower PCB 4h,6h,7h,8h2f,3f
1x 10S030N sound PCB 3h dumped
3x 24S10 main PCB 1a,2a,3a dumped
4x 24S10 lower PCB 6b,7b,9b,10b dumped


QTY Type position
1x MSM8155P sound PCB 3d
4x M58725P main PCB 5e,7c,7b,6a
4x HM6116-3 lower PCB 2h,3h,10h,11h


QTY Type position status


1x 18x2 edge connector (main PCB)
1x 20 pins flat cable connector from main PCB to sound PCB (CN1)
2x 50 pins flat cable connector from main PCB to lower PCB (J1,J2)
2x trimmer (volume)(sound PCB VOICE,MUSIC)
1x 6 DIP switches bank (main PCB 14a)


sound PCB is marked: "ALFA DENSHI CO, LTD. SOUND BOARD NO.59MC07" on component side
main PCB is labelled: "SERIAL NO. 116379" on component side
there is room for HP4 and HP8 on main board, but sockets are empty (nevertheless the game is working)

label format is:
|   HV4      | -> rom function and NUMBER
|            |
|ALPHA DENSHI| -> copyright

update 20220221: better description
