Cosmic Alien (version II, set 2)

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EMU Infos
dumper f205v
date 08/11/2019
emulator MAME 0.216
dev Osso
PCB Infos
name cosmica3 on Arcade Database
description Cosmic Alien (version II, set 2)
year 1980
manufacturer Universal

Technical references


QTY Type clock position function
1x Z80CPU-8400W20 10h main PCB 8-bit Microprocessor - main
4x LM324N - ic4,ic8,ic9,ic12 sound PCB Quad Operational Amplifier - sound
1x oscillator 10.816 8s main PCB


QTY Type position status
1x AM4708-6 8 sub PCB dumped
1x AM4708-6 9 main PCB dumped
7x TMS2516 1-7 main PCB dumped
1x IM5610CPE 9d main PCB impossible to dump, fully rusted with broken legs


QTY Type position
1x MB8116E 2c-9c main PCB
1x M83289P 7l-10l main PCB
3x AM27LS00PC 7p-10p main PCB


QTY Type position status


1x 28x2 edge connector
1x 24 pins (DIP24-600mil) connector from main PCB (2m) to sound PCB
1x 40 pins (DIP40-600mil) connector from main PCB (2h) to sub PCB
2x trimmer (volume)(sound PCB VR1, VR2)
1x 8 DIP switches bank (7b main PCB)


main PCB is marked: "7910-AII UNIVERSAL" on component side
main PCB is marked: "UNIVERSAL" on solder side
sub PCB is marked: "7910-BII UNIVERSAL" on component side
sound PCB is marked: "UNIVERSAL 7910-S" on component side
sound PCB is marked: "UNIVERSAL" on solder side
