Breakout (Seletron)

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EMU Infos
dumper f205v, Kirmo
date 15/10/2006
PCB Infos
name 483
description Breakout (Seletron)
year 1978.07.11
manufacturer Seletron

Technical references


QTY Type clock position function
1x oscillator 4MHz 1j


QTY Type position status
1x 82S23 2b dumped


QTY Type position
1x 74S201 2h
1x 7489 1b


QTY Type position status


1x 22x2 JAMMA edge connector
1x trimmer (volume)
1x 8x2 switches DIP


PCB is marked: "seletron 78", and "10-10500" on component side
PCB is marked: "seletron 78", "10-10500" and "110778" on solder side

update 20140630: Kirmo dumped the PROM
update 20140107: Kirmo send the following: "Crystal frequency: depending on jumper (2jk): 4MHz , 8MHz , 16 MHz
Main clock frequency : 4 MHz (if an 8 or 16 MHz crystal is used, then the 74LS74 (3J) will cut the frequency down to 4 MHz)
RAM : 1x 74S201 (2H ; 256bit , 256x1 ; bricks in the wall) ; 1x 7489 (1B ; 64bit , 16x4 ; it's in the score section - maybe score memory?)
NOTE: RAM 7489 is open-collector (pull-up resistences are present on the pcb)

update 20200410: just found a second PCB for the same game. There is a small HW modification, with a small piggyback PCB addded.
Redumped the PROM, and found a different content; I strongly suspect that previous dump from Kirmo was bad.
