Taxi Driver

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EMU Infos
dumper f205v, Corrado Tomaselli, Zab
date 11/12/2011
emulator MAME 0.60
dev Nicola Salmoria, Angelo Salese
PCB Infos
name taxidriv on Arcade Database
description Taxi Driver
year 1984
manufacturer Graphic Techno

Technical references


QTY Type clock position function
2x M5L8255AP-5 main board ic57,ic58 Programmable Peripheral Interface
3x M5L8255AP-5 ROMs board ic1,ic32,ic64 Programmable Peripheral Interface
3x D780C-1 MHz main board ic28,ic39,ic61 8-bit Microprocessor - main
2x AY-3-8910 MHz main board ic37,ic38 Programmable Sound Generator - sound
1x oscillator 10.000 X1
1x oscillator 8.0000 X2


QTY Type position status
9x M5L2764-2 main board 1-9 dumped
6x M5L2764-2 ROMs board 10-15 dumped
1x TBP18S030N main board ic2 dumped


QTY Type position
7x M58725P main board ic7,ic8,ic15,ic34,ic69,ic83,ic94
14x M58725P ROMs board ic7,ic54,ic62,ic63,ic70,ic78,ic79,ic85,ic86,ic115,ic116,ic121,ic131,ic132


QTY Type position status


1x 22x2 edge connector (main board)
2x 50 pins flat cable connector from main board to ROMs board
1x trimmer (volume) (main board)
3x 8x2 switches DIP (main board)
1x red LED (main board)


Update 20121205 - new picture and PROM dump
