Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (L735 Test Rom, bootleg, set ?)

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EMU Infos
dumper f205v
date 15/01/2010
emulator FB Neo v1.0.0.03
dev Dinkc64
PCB Infos
name sf2amf12 on FB Neo
description Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (L735 Test Rom, bootleg, set ?)
year 1992

Technical references


QTY Type clock position function
1x MC68000P10 16/32-bit Microprocessor - main
1x Z8400APS 8-bit Microprocessor - sound
1x M6295 4-Channel Mixing ADCPM Voice Synthesis LSI - sound
2x GL324 Quad Operational Amplifier - sound
1x uPC1242H - Audio Amplifier - sound
1x CY5001 FM Operator Type-M (OPM) - sound
1x CY5002 D/A Converter (DAC) - sound
1x oscillator 16.000
1x oscillator 12.000
1x oscillator 3.579545


QTY Type position status
2x M27512 2,7 dumped
1x TMS27C010A 3 dumped
1x AM27C010 5 dumped
4x D27C010 8a,8b,9,10 dumped
1x AM27C020 1 dumped
12x TC574000 mask 1-12 dumped
1x AM27C040 4 dumped
1x M27C040 6 dumped


QTY Type position
7x UM6116K-3
4x SYC6116L-45TP
4x HY62256AP-10


QTY Type position status
2x PALCE16V8H-25PC/4 dumped
10x PALCE16V8H-25PC/4 read protected
6x HY18CV8S-30 read protected
9x PALCE20V8H-25PC/4 read protected
2x PALCE22V10H-25PC/4 read protected


1x 28x2 edge connector
1x trimmer (volume)
3x 8x2 switches DIP


It's very similar to "SF2MKOT", without the "NIGHTMARE CRACK" in the title screen

update 20240218: thanks to Maru79 and Dink, I redumped all maskROMs at correct size.

update 20241114: thanks to Robert, I redumped maskROM 02, this time it is correct.
