Pango Fun (Italy)

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EMU Infos
dumper f205v
date 01/11/2006
emulator MAME 0.111u4
dev David Haywood
PCB Infos
name pangofun on Arcade Database
description Pango Fun (Italy)
year 1995
manufacturer InfoCube (Pisa-Italy)

Technical references


QTY Type clock position function
1x 80486 main board Microprocessor - main
1x CIRRUS CLGD5401-42QC-B-31063-198AC video board
1x oscillator 14.31818 MHz main board


QTY Type position status
1x 27C512 main board BIOS dumped
1x MaskROM 28pin video board VGA BIOS not dumped
5x AM27C040 ROMs board u11,u12,u31,u32,u33 dumped
1x TMS27C040 ROMs board u13 not working, broken
1x 27C010 ROMs board u39 dumped


QTY Type position
4x RAM banks main board


QTY Type position status
4x PALCE16V8H main board u5,u25,u26,u28 read protected
1x PALCE20V8H main board u42 dumped
1x PALCE20V8H main board u44 read protected
2x PALCE22V10H main board u45,u49 read protected


1x 28x2 JAMMA edge connector (ROMs board)
1x EISA connector (to motherboard) (ROMs board)
1x VGA in connector (from Video PCB) (ROMs board)
1x stereo audio jack (from sound card) (ROMs board)
1x 13x2 legs connector(only 2 legs used for red/black cable from Video PCB) (ROMs board)
1x trimmer (volume) (ROMs board)
2x 8 switches dip (ROMs board)
1x Keyboard DIN connector (not used) (main board)
1x VGA connetctor (to ROMs PCB) (video board)
1x red/black cable (to ROMs PCB) (video board)
1x stereo audio out (to ROMs PCB) (audio board)


marking: rl00rv00
Main board is a standard 486 motherboard
Video board is a standard VGA EISA board
ROMs board is a custom PCB, with EISA connector to motherboard on one side and JAMMA connetcor on the other side
Sound board (missing) is a standard ISA 16bit sound card)
-- I have:
3 Main PCBs (all of them without 80486)
11 Video PCBs
4 ROMs PCBs (only one has EPROMs)

Game was programmed by Giovanni Tummarello and Roberto Molinelli in 1990 for Amiga; it was an action/strategy videogame published by Proxxima Software (Rome, Italy) and later ported to PC machines and published in 1994 by AIM Games software (US) and in Arcade Version (Coin-Op) by InfoCube (Pisa, Italy)
