Match It

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EMU Infos
dumper f205v, Smitdogg, Team Europe
date 13/016/2024
emulator MAME 0.267
dev Brian A. Troha
PCB Infos
name matchit on Arcade Database
description Match It
year 1989
manufacturer Tamtex

Technical references


QTY Type clock position function
2x D780C-1 ic21, ic28 8-bit Microprocessor - main
1x YM2151 ic12 FM Operator Type-M (OPM) - sound
1x YM3014 ic4 D/A Converter (DAC) - sound
1x 062d - ic3 Operational Amplifier - sound
1x LM324N - ic2 Quad Operational Amplifier - sound
1x MB3730A - ic1 Audio Amplifier - sound
1x NANAO custom chip KNA91H014 ic39 Video GFX - pallet RAM
1x oscillator 3579.545kHz x1
1x oscillator 24.000MHz x2


QTY Type position status
1x M5L27512K ic22 dumped
1x M5M27C101K ic27 dumped
1x D23C2001C ic14,ic50,ic51 dumped
1x TC534000P ic53 dumped


QTY Type position
3x TMM2063Ap-70 ic23, ic26, ic45


QTY Type position status
1x PAL16R4ACN ic48 dumped
1x TIBPAL16L8-25CN ic30, ic37 dumped


1x 28x2 JAMMA edge connector
1x trimmer (volume)(VR1)
2x 8 DIP switches banks (SW1,SW2)


PCB is marked: "MB80-A-A", "MADE IN JAPAN" and "dP MOO" on component side
PCB is marked: "MADE IN JAPAN" and "NANAO MB80-A-A" on solder side
PCB is labelled: "No. 381327" and "LICENSE SEAL - PCB 6647 - MADE IN JAPAN - TAMTEX" on component side
PCB is labelled: "03128" on solder side
PCB is labelled (hand-written): "2283 mah jong" and "match it" on component side

update 20240618: thanks to Team Europe I could finally dump the 4 MaskROMs
