Martial Champion (ver EAA)

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EMU Infos
dumper f205v
date 06/01/2019
emulator MAME 0.77
dev R.Belmont
PCB Infos
name mtlchamp1 on Arcade Database
description Martial Champion (ver EAA)
year 1993
manufacturer Konami

Technical references


QTY Type clock position function
1x TS68000CFN16 20d 16/32-bit Microprocessor - main
1x LH0080E-Z80E-CPU 7b 8-bit Microprocessor - sound
10x Konami custom 005273A s113,s114,s115,s116,s117
Resistor array for player inputs controls
1x Konami custom 051550 9b EMI filter for credit/coin counter and reset
1x Konami custom 053246A 14j Sprite generator
1x Konami custom 053252 15c CRT timing and interrupt control unit
1x Konami custom 053990 17d Protection device
1x Konami custom 054156 4k Tilemap generator
1x Konami custom 054157 5j Tilemap generator
1x Konami custom 054338 10c Color mixer for special effects/alpha blending etc
1x Konami custom 054539 5d 8-Channel ADPCM sound generator
3x Konami custom 054573 u52 RGB DAC (1x color)
1x Konami custom 054574 u52 RGB mixer/DAC/filter?
1x Konami custom 054986A 3b Audio DAC/filter + sound latch + Z80 memory mapper/banker (incorporates 054321)
1x Konami custom 055555 8j Mixer/Priority encoder
1x Konami custom 055673 14k Sprite generator
1x LA4705 1a Audio Power Amplifier - sound
1x oscillator 18.43200MHz / 32.00000MHz 13b


QTY Type position status
1x M16911 15b dumped
1x P27C010 6b dumped
2x MSM27C2000ZB 20f,20g dumped
2x HN27C4001G 19f,19g dumped
11x Konami 056496 056497 056498 056499 056500
056501 056502 056503 056504 056505 056506


QTY Type position
3x MCM2018AN45 9e,10e,11e
3x MN4464M-08LL 7d,17h,18h
3x F84256A-70L-SK 3f,21f,21g
3x HM62256ALSP-8 7k,8k,9k


QTY Type position status
1x PAL16L8ACN Konami 055983 8d read protected
1x PAL20L10ACNS Konami 056472 18f read protected


1x 28x2 JAMMA edge connector
1x 4 legs connector (CN2 SOUND OUT)
1x pushbutton (21a TEST SW)
1x 4 DIP switches bank (SW1)


PCB is marked: "KONAMI", "PWB353366A AI AM-2" and "MADA IN JAPAN" on component side
PCB is marked: "KONAMI" and "PWB353366A" on solder side
PCB is labelled: "KONAMI" and "SERIAL .NO 320023" on component side

Martial Champion
Konami 1993

PCB Layout
GX128 PWB353366A
|LA4705   234A07.1D                  234A08.1H 234A09.1K |
|054986A  234A06.2D  84256           234A10.3H  |------| |
|          |------||------|            |------| |054156| |
|CN2       |054539||054539|            |054157| |      | |
|234A05.6B |      || empty|            |      | |      | |
|Z80E      |      ||      |            |      | |      | |
|          |      ||      |            |      | |------| |
|          |------||------|            |------|          |
|           4464                                  62256  |
|           055983                   |------|     62256  |
| 051550                             |055555|     62256  |
|J                                   |      |  234A11.10K|
|A 054573  |------| 2018             |      |  234A12.12K|
|M 054573  |054338| 2018             |------|            |
|M 054573  |      | 2018                                 |
|A 054574  |      |                  |-------|  |------| |
| 18.432MHz|------|                  |053246A|  |055673| |
| 32MHz     |------|                 |       |  |      | |
| 24MHz     |053252|                 |       |  |      | |
| ER5911.15B|------|                 |       |  |------| |
|             |------|               |-------|           |
|             |053990|                                   |
|             |------| 056472                 234A13.17K |
|DSW(4)      |------|                  4464              |
|            |68000 |                  4464   234A14.19K |
|005273A(X10)|      | 234A03.19F   234A04.19G            |
|            |      |                         234A15.20K |
|            |------| 234EAA01.20F 234EAA02.20G          |
|TEST_SW              84256  84256            234A16.22K |
      68000  - main
      Z80E   - sound
      2018   - Motorola MCM2018AN45 2kx8 SRAM (DIP24-300mil)
      4464   - Panasonic MN4464M-08LL 8kx8 SRAM (DIP28-300mil)
      62256  - Hitachi HM62256ALSP-8 32kx8 SRAM (DIP28-300mil)
      84256  - Fairchild F84256A-70L-SK 32kx8 SRAM (DIP28-300mil)
      ER5911 - EEPROM OKI M16911 (128 bytes)
      CN2    - 4 pin connector for stereo sound output
      234*   - EPROM/mask ROM
      LA4705 - 15W 2-channel BTL audio power AMP

      Custom Chips
      005273A - Resistor array for player inputs controls
      051550  - EMI filter for credit/coin counter and reset
      053246A - Sprite generator
      053252  - CRT timing and interrupt control unit
      053990  - Protection device
      054156  - Tilemap generator
      054157  - Tilemap generator
      054338  - Color mixer for special effects/alpha blending etc
      054539  - 8-Channel ADPCM sound generator
      054573  - RGB DAC (1x color)
      054574  - RGB mixer/DAC/filter?
      054986A - Audio DAC/filter + sound latch + Z80 memory mapper/banker (incorporates 054321)
      055555  - Mixer/Priority encoder
      055673  - Sprite generators
      055983  - MMI PAL16L8
      056472  - MMI PAL20L10
