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EMU Infos
dumper f205v
date 13/11/2006
emulator MAME 0.37b10
dev Mike Coates, Malcolm Lear
PCB Infos
name cosmos on Arcade Database
description Cosmos
year 1981
manufacturer Century Electronics

Technical references


QTY Type clock position function
1x SIGNETICS 2650A main PCB 14B 8-bit Microprocessor - main
3x SIGNETICS 2636N main PCB 9F 11F 12F Programmable Video Interface - Video
1x oscillator 14.31818 main PCB X1
2x SIGNETICS 2650A-1 sound PCB IC5C IC5K 8-bit Microprocessor - sound
1x TMS5100NL sound PCB IC2K Voice Synthesis - sound
1x LM3900N - sound PCB IC1F Quad Operational Amplifier - sound
1x LM380 - sound PCB IC1H Audio Amplifier - sound
1x NE5008N - sound PCB IC3F 8-bit High Speed Multiplying D/A Converter (DAC) - sound
1x oscillator 15.625 sound PCB X1
1x unknown DIP40-600mil protection device - ROMs PCB CC1


QTY Type position status
1x 82S185 main PCB 10H dumped
1x 82S123 main PCB 10K dumped
1x HN422716G sound PCB IC5B dumped
4x HN422716G ROMs PCB CP1 CP2 CP3 SD1 dumped
3x HN462532 ROMs PCB SP1 GP4 GP5 dumped
1x HN462532G ROMs PCB GP3 dumped
2x HN462532G ROMs PCB GP1 GP2 dumped, both are bad and corrupted.


QTY Type position
12x TMM314APL-1 main PCB 13G 14G 6J 7J 8J 9J 2L 3L 4L 5L 6L 7L
2x AM9101BPC main PCB 11H 12H
1x SRAM 2k x 8 sound PCB IC4K


QTY Type position status
6x 2S153H main PCB 5E 9K 11D 15J 14K 15K not dumped (labelled C101 C102 C103 C104 C106 C108)
1x PAL10L8 main PCB 15L dumped (labelled 5)
1x PAL12L6 main PCB 15H dumped (labelled 7)


1x 6 legs connector (main PCB CN5 power supply)
1x 7 legs connector (main PCB CN4)
3x 10 legs connector (main PCB CN1 CN2 CN3)
3x 8 DIP switches banks (main PCB)
1x 4 DIP switches bank (main PCB)
1x 6 legs connector (sound PCB CN8 power supply)
5x trimmers (sound PCB MIX1 MIX2 SOUNDSPEECH VOLUME RV5)
1x 20 pins flat cable connector from main PCB (CN6) to sound PCB (CN9)
1x 60 pins flat cable connector from main PCB (CN7) to ROMs PCB (CN8)
1x 60 pins flat cable connector from sound PCB (CN10) to ROMs PCB (CN9)


main PCB is marked: "CVS MAIN LOGIC", "500-36 ISS 3" and "PCP" on solder side
sound PCB is marked: "CENTURY SPEECH/SOUND", "500-38 Iss 2" and "(C) 1981 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED" on component side
sound PCB is marked: "CVS SPEECH SOUND 500-38 Iss 2" and "PCP" on solder side
ROMs PCB is marked: "CVS MEMORY", "500-40" and "(C) 1981 Al Rights Reserved" on component side
ROMs PCB is marked: "PCP", "500-40" and "CVS MEMORY" on solder side
main PCB is labelled: "Serial No. 0690" on component side
On ROMs PCB position SP2 is empty
This PCB has the name "SPACE FORTRESS" on the ROMs module, and came with a "SPACE FORTRESS" marquee. Despite all of those, the game is clearly "Cosmos".
The marquee is marked by Tuni Electro Service Inc. which was the US dealer for Century Electronics.

label format (on ROMs PCB) is:
|Century Elect.| -> manufacturer
|Ltd. (C) 1981 | -> copyright and year
| 1B-9         | -> rom number

update 20190616: better description and correct identification as "Cosmos" (it was "Space Fortress" previously)


marquee hires TIFF
marquee left hires TIF
marquee center hires TIF
marquee right hires TIF