Category:Manufacturer unknown
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Games whose manufacturer is unknown.
Pages in category "Manufacturer unknown"
The following 178 pages are in this category, out of 379 total.
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- Pac-Gal (bootleg)
- Pac-Man (bootleg on Galaxian hardware, set 1)
- Paddle Mania
- Pang (bootleg, set 2)
- Pang (bootleg, set 4)
- Pang (bootleg, set 5)
- Passing Shot (4 Players) (bootleg)
- Pengo (bootleg on Pac-Man hardware, set 2)
- Perfect Billiards (bootleg)
- Pest Place
- Peter Pan (bootleg of Hook)
- Phoenix (bootleg)
- Pocket Gal (bootleg)
- Pool 10 (Italian, set 10)
- Pool 10 (Italian, set 6)
- Pop Flamer (bootleg on Naughty Boy PCB)
- Popeye (bootleg on single board)
- Puck Man vampire clone
- Puck Man zombie clone
- Puckman Hearts
- Punch-Out!! (Italian bootleg)
- Puzzle & Action: Tant-R (Japan) (bootleg set 1)
- Puzzle & Action: Tant-R (Japan) (bootleg set 3)
- Puzzle Bobble (Italian gambling game)
- Puzznic (bootleg, set 2)
- R-Type (World bootleg)
- Raiden (Korea, bootleg)
- Rally X (bootleg)
- Rambo 3 (bootleg of Ikari, Joystick hack)
- Rastan Saga (Japan Rev 1) (bootleg)
- Return of the Invaders (bootleg, without MCU, set 3)
- Road Fighter (bootleg GX330 conversion)
- Robot Hunting (bootleg of Death Race)
- Route 16 (bootleg set 2)
- Royal Card (Austrian, set 7, CMC C1030 HW)
- Royal Card (Italian, Dino 4 hardware, encrypted)
- Royal Card (stealth with MSX multigame)
- Royal Card (stealth with NES multigame, set 1)
- Salamander (version J, bootleg)
- Samurai Nihon-Ichi (bootleg, harder)
- Saturday Night Slam Masters (bootleg with PIC16C57, set 1)
- Scion (bootleg)
- Scramble (bootleg on Galaxian hardware)
- Seibu Cup Soccer :Selection: (bootleg, set 2)
- Seibu Cup Soccer :Selection: (bootleg, set 3)
- Seibu Cup Soccer :Selection: (bootleg, set 4)
- Seishun Scandal (bootleg, Japan)
- Shot Rider (bootleg)
- Side Pocket (bootleg set 2)
- Ski
- Sky Base (bootleg)
- Sky Lancer (different revision)
- Sky Soldiers (bootleg)
- Sky Wolf (set 3)
- Slap Fight (bootleg set 3)
- Slot (unknown bootleg?)
- Soccer New (Italian)
- Sonic Blast Man 2 Special Turbo (SNES bootleg)
- Sonic The Hedgehog 2 (bootleg of Mega Drive version)
- Space Dragon (bootleg of Moon Cresta)
- Space Invaders / Super Invaders
- Speak & Rescue (bootleg set 2)
- Sprint 2 (bootleg)
- Sprint 2 (bootleg, set 2)
- Sprint 2 (color kit, Italy)
- Star Fighter (bootleg 2)
- Star Force (encrypted, bootleg)
- Storming Party / Riku Kai Kuu Saizensen (set 2)
- Street Fighter (Japan, bootleg)
- Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (920313 USA bootleg set 11)
- Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (920313 USA bootleg set 8)
- Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Alpha Magic-F bootleg set 4)
- Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (another bootleg 2)
- Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (another bootleg 3)
- Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (another bootleg 4)
- Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (bootleg, set 1)
- Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (bootleg, set 2)
- Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (L735 Test Rom w/ Mega Co, bootleg, set 4)
- Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (L735 Test Rom, bootleg, set 1)
- Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (L735 Test Rom, bootleg, set 3)
- Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (L735 Test Rom, bootleg, set ?)
- Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (M9, bootleg)
- Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (protected bootleg on non-dash board)
- Street Fighter II': Magic Delta Turbo (bootleg, set 1)
- Street Fighter II': Magic Delta Turbo (bootleg, set 3)
- Street Fighter II': Magic KO Turbo!! - Nightmare Crack
- Street Fighter II': Magic KO Turbo!! - Nightmare Crack (set 2)
- Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (bootleg, set 2)
- Street Smart (bootleg of World version 1)
- Strip Teaser (Italy, Ver. 1.22)
- Super Bike (DK conversion) (bootleg)
- Super Breakout (rev 03, bootleg)
- Super Cherry Gold (bootleg of Super Cherry Master)
- Super Jolly
- Super Pac Man (clone of Hangly-Man)
- Super Pang (World 900914, bootleg, set 1)
- Super Puk-Man
- Super Qix (bootleg, No MCU)
- Super Space 2001
- Super Star
- TeddyBoy Blues (Old Ver. bootleg)
- Tehkan World Cup (1986 year hack)
- Tehkan World Cup (set 2, bootleg?)
- Ten Balls (Ver 1.05)
- Terra Cresta (bootleg of YM3526 version)
- Terra Force (Japan, bootleg set 2)
- Tetris (bootleg set 2)
- Tetris (bootleg set 3)
- Tetris (bootleg set 4)
- Tetris (bootleg set 7)
- The Combatribes (bootleg set 2)
- The Drink
- The King of Dragons (bootleg)
- The Yakyuuken Super Part 1
- Three Wonders (bootleg)
- Three Wonders (hack)
- Thunder Dragon (bootleg with Raiden sounds, unencrypted)
- Tiger Road (US bootleg)
- Top Racer (no MB8841 + MB8842) (set 2)
- Top Racer (with MB8841 + MB8842, set 3)
- Top Racer (with MB8841 + MB8842, set 4)
- Trojan (bootleg 1)
- Trojan (bootleg)
- Tube Panic (bootleg)
- Turpin (bootleg on Super Cobra hardware)
- Tutankham (bootleg)
- Twin Cobra (bootleg)
- UFO Robot Attack (bootleg of Invasion, newer set)
- UFO Robot Attack (bootleg of Invasion, older set)
- Ufo Senshi Yohko Chan (bootleg, not encrypted)
- Unknown - 03
- Unknown - 06
- Unknown - 09
- Unknown - 11
- Unknown - 12
- Unknown - 15
- Unknown - 16
- Unknown - 20
- Unknown - blister 24
- Unknown - blister 26
- Unknown - Blister PLDs
- Unknown - Crash 1
- Unknown - Crash 2
- Unknown - Crash 3
- Unknown - PLDs
- Unknown - PROMs 93448
- Unknown - SG
- Unknown Capcom bootleg
- Unknown H8 Italian Gambling game
- Vandyke (bootleg with PIC16c57)
- Varth: Operation Thunderstorm (bootleg, set 1)
- Venture (version 5 set 2, bootleg)
- Video Hustler (bootleg, set 2)
- Video Hustler (bootleg, set 3)
- Video Hustler (bootleg, set 4)
- Videotron Poker (cards selector, set 1)
- Videotron Poker (normal controls)
- Vs. Super Mario Bros. (bootleg with Z80, set 1)
- Vs. Super Mario Bros. (bootleg with Z80, set 2)