Monza GP (set 1)

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EMU Infos
dumper f205v
date 17/03/2005
emulator MAME 0.136u1
dev Tomasz Slanina
PCB Infos
name monzagp
description Monza GP
year 1981
manufacturer Olympia

Technical references


QTY Type clock position function
1x Intel P8035L upper PCB MGP_02 HMOS Single Component 8BIT Microcontroller - no internal ROM - 64x8 RAM
1x National DP8350N upper PCB MGP_02 Video Output Graphics Controller - Programmable CRT Controller
1x oscillator 10535 upper PCB MGP_02 main


QTY Type position status
6x 2708 upper PCB MGP_02 10,11,12,13,14,15 dumped
7x 2708 lower PCB MGP_01 1,3,4,5,6,7,8 dumped
1x 2708 lower PCB MGP_01 2 position 2 is empty, maybe my PCB is missing an EPROM
1x 2708 lower PCB MGP_01 9 EPROM 9 is bad
5x MMI63S140N lower PCB MGP_01 1,3,4,5,6 dumped
2x DM74S287N lower PCB MGP_01 2,7 dumped


QTY Type position


QTY Type position status
3x PAL10L8MJ upper PCB MGP_02 read protected


3x 10x2 legs connectors with flat cable to lower board (upper PCB MGP_02)
1x 8x2 dip switches (upper PCB MGP_02)
3x 10x2 legs connectors with flat cable to upper board (lower PCB MGP_02)
1x 6 legs connector (power supply) (lower PCB MGP_02)
1x 20x2 legs connector for flat cable (lower PCB MGP_02)
1x trimmer (TIME?????) (lower PCB MGP_02)


Not working


Manual & Schematics