Unknown Capcom bootleg

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EMU Infos
dumper f205v, Maru79, Buffi
date 04/12/2024
PCB Infos
name 637
description unknown Capcom bootleg
year 1988.06.07

Technical references


QTY Type clock position function
1x SY6502 1.997MHz(@37) - 1.997MHz(@39) main PCB ic138 8-bit Microprocessor - main
1x LH0080B Z80B-CPU 3.577MHz(@6) main PCB ic46 8-bit Microprocessor - main
1x M5205 453.2kHz(@16) - 453.1kHz(@17) main PCB ADPCM Speech Syntesis IC - sound
1x YM2151 1.788MHz(@23) - 3.577MHz(@24) main PCB ic30 FM Operator Type-M (OPM) - sound
1x YM3012 1.788MHz(@2) main PCB ic125 D/A Converter (DAC) - sound
1x C1182H - main PCB ic169 Audio Amplifier - sound
3x 4558CC - main PCB ic126, ic127, ic153 Dual Operational Amplifier - sound
1x oscillator 12.000MHz main PCB x1
1x oscillator 3.579545 main PCB x2


QTY Type position status
1x D27256 main PCB 4 dumped
7x M27512ZB main PCB 1-3, 5-8 partially dumped (see notes below)
8x M27512ZB ROMs PCB 9-16 partially dumped (see notes below)
2x M1-7643-5 main PCB ic156, ic160 dumped
1x M1-7621-5 main PCB dumped
1x N82S191N main PCB ic139 dumped


QTY Type position
5x V61C16S55L main PCB ic38, ic55, ic106, ic128, ic131
2x GM76C28-10 main PCB ic29, ic123
1x HM6264LP-15 main PCB ic68


QTY Type position status


1x 28x2 JAMMA edge connector (main PCB)
1x 26 pins connector from main PCB ic96 to ROMs PCB
1x trimmer (volume)(main PCB VR)
2x 8 DIP switches banks (main PCB SW1, SW2)


main PCB is marked: "GD-8083AX" on component side
main PCB is labelled: "inspected" on component side
ROMs PCB is marked: "GD-8083B" on component side
EPROM 4.ic47 containes the following:

Technos B.V.Ball
  Sound System  
Date Jun/07/1988
 (c) Copyright  
 Studio Loaple  
TEL 0423-23-3092

update 20250103:
From Angelo Sales: The sound string is actually from US Championship V'Ball
From Buffi: I did spend some more time on this and ran the roms through two other programmers I have as well and unfortunately don't have a great result, but summary so far is:

  • Matching dumps

1, 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 13

  • Not in your dump, dumped by me, but looks like bad dumps

6: Beeprog refuses to verify this. Top3000 produces consistent reads, but with fixed bits. Probably bad.
7: Beeprog dumps and verifies this, but it's all 0xFF
14: Beeprog dumps and verifies this, but it's all 0x7F

  • In your dump that I could not dump

12: Beeprog would not dump this. Top3000 did give consistent reads but they do not match yours, and I think my dump looks worse.
15: Neither programmer produced consistent reads for me
16: Neither programmer produced consistent reads for me

  • In neither of our dumps

Unmarked m27512zb: Could not read
8: Could not read
9: Beeprog could not read, Top3000 read it as all zeroes
