Atom (bootleg of Bombjack Twin)

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EMU Infos
dumper f205v
date 18/05/2013
emulator MAME 0.148u5
dev David Haywood
PCB Infos
name atombjt on Arcade Database
description Atom (bootleg of Bombjack Twin)
year 1993
manufacturer Kyon K.

Technical references


QTY Type clock position function
1x TS68000CP12 16/32-bit Microprocessor - main
1x 6295 u12 4-Channel Mixing ADCPM Voice Synthesis LSI - sound
1x LM348 Quad Bipolar Operational Amplifier - sound
1x TDA2003 u14 Audio Amplifier - sound
1x oscillator 28.000
1x oscillator 10.000 Y2
1x blu resonator 1000J Y1


QTY Type position status
2x TMS27C010A 21,22 dumped
4x M27C2001 27-30 dumped
5x AM27C040 20,23-26 dumped


QTY Type position
2x MS62256L-10PC
2x MS6516L-10PC
6x MCM2018AN45


QTY Type position status
1x TPC1020AFN-084C read protected
2x GAL16V8B read protected
1x GAL22V10B read protected


1x 28x2 JAMMA edge connector
1x trimmer (volume)
2x 8x2 switches DIP

