Golden Axe (bootleg)

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EMU Infos
dumper f205v
date 14/03/2005
emulator MAME 0.119u1
dev David Haywood
PCB Infos
name goldnaxeb2 on Arcade Database
description Golden Axe (bootleg)
year 1989.04

Technical references


QTY Type clock position function
1x SCN68000CAN64 main PCB ic40 16/32-bit Microprocessor - main
1x STZ8400BB1-Z80CPU main PCB ic44 8-bit Microprocessor - sound
1x M5205 main PCB ic16 ADPCM Speech Syntesis IC - sound
2x YM2203C main PCB ic19,ic20 FM Operator Type-N (OPM) - sound
2x YM3014B main PCB ic14,ic15 D/A Converter (DAC) - sound
2x LM324N - main PCB ic3,ic4 Quad Operational Amplifier - sound
1x TDA2002 - main PCB TDA2003 Audio Amplifier - sound
1x oscillator 20.000 main PCB xl2
1x blu resonator CSB398P main PCB xl1
1x oscillator 24.000 sub PCB xl1


QTY Type position status
8x TMS27C512 main PCB 1-8 dumped
26x M27512FI main PCB 9-34 dumped
6x M27512FI sub PCB 35-40 dumped


QTY Type position
1x HM6116ALP-10 main PCB ic47
2x HY6264LP-12 main PCB ic35,ic49
10x MCM2018AN45 sub PCB ic7,ic8,ic57,ic58,ic108,ic109,ic110,ic111,ic112,ic113
2x KM62256ALP-10 sub PCB ic5,ic6


QTY Type position status
1x GAL16V8 main PCB ic54 read protected
1x GAL16V8 sub PCB ic83 read protected


1x 28x2 JAMMA edge connector (main PCB)
2x 50 pins flat cable connector from main PCB to sub PCB
1x trimmer (volume) (main PCB)
2x 8 DIP switches banks (main PCB)


main PCB is marked: "COMP", "GENSYS-1/S" and "16/89A" on component side
sub PCB is marked: "GENSYS-1/I", "COMP" and "16/89A" on component side
sub PCB is labelled: "OK" on component side

update 20231130: better description
