Top Racer (with MB8841 + MB8842, set 3)

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EMU Infos
dumper f205v
dump date 12/07/2005
PCB Infos
name 209
description Top Racer (with MB8841 + MB8842, set 3)
year 1982

Technical references


QTY Type clock position function
2x LH8002P-Z8002CPU lower PCB 16-bit Microprocessor - main
1x NEC D708C-8241x5 lower PCB 8-bit Microprocessor - main
3x Fujitsu MB8841 (DIP42) 1138L,1139L,1140M lower PCB main
1x Fujitsu MB8842 (DIP28) 1141M lower PCB main
1x oscillator 24.xx0MHz upper PCB main (label partially unreadable)


QTY Type position status
11x MBM2764 1,2,5,6,9,11,12,13,14,15,16 lower PCB dumped
1x M5L2732K 10 lower PCB dumped
2x TBP24S10N 4,5 lower PCB dumped
6x SGS M2764 17,20,21,22,24,26 upper PCB dumped
2x MBM2764 19,30 upper PCB dumped
1x D2764 23 upper PCB dumped
2x ID2764 18,25 upper PCB dumped
1x NEC D2764D 31 upper PCB dumped
4x HN462732G 27,28,29,32 upper PCB dumped
10x TBP24S10N 7,8,9,10,11,13,14,15,16,17 upper PCB dumped
2x MB7122E 5p,7h upper PCB dumped


QTY Type position


QTY Type position status
3x N82S153N 16d, 18e, 21e lower PCB read protected


1x 18x2 edge connector (A..V) (lower PCB)
1x 3 legs connector (J2) (lower PCB)
1x pushbutton (SW1) (lower PCB)
2x 8x2 switches DIP (SW2,SW3) (lower PCB)
1x battery 3.6V (lower PCB)
1x 18x2 edge connector (A..V) (upper PCB)
1x 3 legs connector (J2) (upper PCB)
4x trimmer (VR1-4) (upper PCB)


lower PCB is marked "CPU-1"
upper PCB is marked "CPU-2"
