Soccer Superstars (ver JAC): Difference between revisions

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[[Category:David Haywood]]
[[Category:David Haywood]]
[[Category:Dump complete]]
[[Category:Dump incomplete]]
[[Category:MAME 0.133u1]]
[[Category:MAME 0.133u1]]

Revision as of 18:11, 22 March 2020

EMU Infos
dumper Corrado Tomaselli, f205v
dump date 21/08/2006
emulator MAME 0.133u1
dev f205v
PCB Infos
name soccerssj on ProgettoEMMA
soccerssj on Arcade Database
description Soccer Superstars (ver JAC)
year 1994
manufacturer Konami

Technical references


QTY Type clock position function


QTY Type position status
1x 93C46N main PCB 22d not dumped
1x TC531001 main PCB 34k dumped
2x AM27C4096 ROMs PCB 28m,30m dumped
2x AM27C010 ROMs PCB 6m,9m not dumped
4x 27C4096 ROMs PCB 24c,16r,28r,30r not dumped
7x 27160 ROMs PCB 23m,25m,9r,18r,21r,23r,25r not dumped
1x uPD27C8000 ROMs PCB 11r not dumped
1x 27C080 ROMs PCB 11m not dumped


QTY Type position
7x MSM51257ALL-70 main PCB 28e,21e,33e,35e,8n,8q,8s
3x CY7C185-25VC main PCB 17e,17g,17h
4x CXK5864CM-70LL main PCB 12e,14e,24p,26p
2x M514256B-60J main PCB 4f,4h
2x CXK5864CM-70LL ROMs PCB 22e,22g
4x CY7C185-25VC ROMs PCB 2g,4g,6g,8g
2x TC514260BJ-70 ROMs PCB 3k,7j


QTY Type position status
2x PALCE16V8H-15PC/4 main PCB 14h,15h not dumped
3x PALCE16V8H-15PC/4 ROMs PCB 23j,24j,33k not dumped


1x 28x2 JAMMA edge connector (connector PCB)
1x 28x2 JAMMA edge connector from main PCB to connector PCB
1x 6 legs connector from ROMs PCB to connector PCB (MAIN RGB OUT)
1x 2 legs connector (connector PCB)
1x 6 legs connector (ROMs PCB)(SUB RGB OUT)
3x 4 legs connectors (main PCB)(CN2,GUN1P,GUN2P)
2x 15 legs connectors (main PCB)(3P,4P)
5x 100 pins direct connectors from main PCB to ROMs PCB (AL,BL,CL,DL,EL)
1x pushbutton (main PCB)(TESTSW)
1x 8 DIP switches bank (main PCB)(DIPSW1)


main PCB is marked: "SYSTEMGX TM MADE IN JAPAN", "MOTHER PCB PWB354192C AI-AM-2" and "KONAMI" on component side
main PCB is marked: "KONAMI PWB354192C" on solder side
main PCB is labelled: "11407" on component side
ROMs PCB is marked: "SYSTEMGX TM MADE IN JAPAN", "SUB PCB TYPE 3 PWB354836A" and "(C)1994 KONAMI" on component side
ROMs PCB is marked: "KONAMI SUB TYPE 3 PWB354839" on solder side
ROMs PCB is labelled: "KONAMI SERIAL.NO 000887" on SOLDER side
CONNECTOR PCB is marked: "GX427 CONNECTOR PCB", "PWB454366B" and "MADE IN JAPAN (C)1994 KONAMI CO., LTD." on component side
CONNECTOR PCB is marked: "KONAMI PWB454366B" on solder side

label format is:
| 427 | -> game number
|     |
| A06 | -> ROM number

update 20090718 Finally redumped 1 bad rom

update 20200322 dumped main PCB EPROM, better description, added pics.
