Double Dragon II US bootleg This romset comes from a bootleg pcb.Game differences are none. Hardware info: same of other sets -main cpu 68B09 -sub cpu Z80A -Sound cpu Z80A -sound ics YM2151 + YM3012, OKI6295 -OSc: 12 Mhz, 4 Mhz Rom definition: dd2ub-3,dd2ub-4,dd2ub-6 part of main program dd2ub-1 characters dd2ub-7,-8,-9,-10 adpcm samples dd2ub-12,-13,-14,-15 tiles/backgrounds dd2ub-16 to dd2ub-27 sprites -Note: adpcm,tiles,sprites roms are splitted from original set. Rest of eproms are identical of other sets (26ab-0,26ae-0,26ad-0) Eprom/roms are 27256,27512 Dumped by tirino73 ><