Multi Game 2 (Seo Jin 1992) This romset comes from a pcb produced by a "company" named Seo Jin. Like the predecessor and successor,it is a hacked clone of the Nintendo Play-Choice system but hardware based on the Famicom/Nes home console,with games extracted from cartridges. 21 games present here,same number as Multi Game III Hardware info: Identical of Multi Game III Main cpu RP2A03 PPU (VDP) RP2C02 Other ics Nec uPC1352C (equivalent to AN5310 and TDA3570) NTSC to RGB decoder Osc 21,47727 and 3,579545 Mhz (this one for the decoder) There are also present two other ics (40 pin DIL),but code ID has been erased.They are very probably another RP2A03 cpu (uses 8kb -6264 SRAM- ) and a MCU or PLD that simulate the memory mapper (MMC3),used to manage the Super Mario Bros 3 game memories. Rom definition: mg2-8u21 main program mg2-1xx to mg2-7xx and mg2-9xx to mg2-12xx games code All eproms are 27c512,27c010,27c020 and 27c256 Dumped by tirino73 ><