Laser Grand Prix - Taito, 1983. Dumped by italiandoh and f205v on January, 9th and 10th, 2013. Thanks to C.C. for providing the original board. The board is quite the same as the other LGP set dumped in 2005. However the CPU PCB is a different revision: on it there are some different ROMs that end with A. The sound PCB is missing in this set unfortunately. OBJ PCB J10 00042B K10 00203B 10 x TMS4416-15NL 1 x 20 MHz xtal Location on pcb Chip Label Checksum 143 2764 A02-18 0x1B4E1980 140 27128 A02-19 0xEEDD3167 139 27128 A02-20 0x5182F87B 138 27128 A02-21 0xCA16A6E3 137 27128 A02-22 0x479B3D95 136 27128 A02-23 0x59EE0AA6 118 27128 A02-24 0x04564330 117 27128 A02-25 0x57C2377A 116 27128 A02-26 0xE2DC72FC 115 27128 A02-27 0x9A9E6B3F 114 27128 A02-28 0xCD69ED20 23 82S129 A02-35 24 82S129 A02-36 43 82S123 A02-37 44 82S129 A02-38 109 82S129 A02-39 110 82S129 A02-40 CPU PCB J10 00041B K10 00222B M4200370B 1 x Z80-A CPU 1 x 8 MHz xtal 2 x 6116 4 x 2114-2 2 x RCA CDP1855CDX 201 3 x 8 dip switches bank 1 x 1 kohm trimmer Location on pcb Chip Label Checksum 63 2764 A02-01A 0x09037833 62 2764 A02-02A 0x536FAED2 61 2764 A02-03A 0x679B90C1 60 2764 A02-04A 0xB2936139 59 2764 A02-41A 0x1E3F608C 54 2732 A02-05 0xF5E06A8B 53 27128 A02-06 0xC724F96C 52 27128 A02-07 0x4B81EB3B 51 27128 A02-08 0xDEB7E494 50 27128 A02-09 0x6D077A30 49 27128 A02-10 0x56BBE961 48 27128 A02-11 0x5D0AEBB2 47 27128 A02-12 0x1B7C578C 46 27128 A02-13 0xD7FCCFB1 13 27128 A02-14A 0x025C397A 12 27128 A02-15A 0xE5B77360 11 27128 A02-16A 0x31412E6B 10 27128 A02-17A 0xE9A0A4BD 106 82S129 A02 31 116 82S129 A02 33 122 82S129 A02 34 111 82S129 A02 32