some pics (not from me) My machine is configured for 2 8" disk drive... /***********************************************/ Motherboard (date 5.12.79): /***********************************************/ -z80 unknow freq no XTAL /***********************************************/ ROM board (date 4.7.79): /***********************************************/ -4 sockets for 2708 -1 74139 decoder chip -U1 DT49-48 -U2 HT20 -U3 FDC8119 -U4 empty /***********************************************/ RAM2: RAM0: RAM1: (date 5.4.79) /***********************************************/ All ram board installed with 8xF16K4 Dram (2117 compatible 16Kbitx1 rams) for a total of 48Kbyte of ram!!! /***********************************************/ Sync board (date 6.7.79): /***********************************************/ -U1 7400 -U2 7486 -U3 7420 -U4 7400 -U5 7493 -U6 7490 -U7 7493 -U8 7493 -U9 7493 -10000 Khz Xtal (10Mhz) /***********************************************/ FDC board (date 7.11.79): /***********************************************/ U1 7404 U2 7404 U3 FD1791-B01 U4 74193 U5 74123 U6 7493 U7 74374 U8 74245 U9 74139 XTAL 9Mhz /***********************************************/ US1 board (no date ): /***********************************************/ Seem a Serial controller, on the back "ST Margherita" is written... it can stand for "daisy printer" U1 empty U2 empty U3 Z80ASIO-0 U4 Ne555 U5 MC1489 (used as rs232 rx) U6 MC1488 (used as rs232 tx) U7 mm5307aa/n nationa semi (???) U8 7493 U9 7404 XTAL 14.7456 maybe /***********************************************/ PRT BOARD (date 12/80) /***********************************************/ Seem a parallel port controller, on the back "ST Aghi" is written... it can stand for "needles printer" U1 74374 U2 74125 U3 74138 J1-J2 connector /***********************************************/ US2 board /***********************************************/ not installed /***********************************************/ MEM Board (date 3.12.79) /***********************************************/ U1 2114 Ram U2 2114 Ram U3 2708 GCEM1 U4 2708 GCEM2 U5 74165 U6 7432 U7 7474 U8 74245 Ther is a second 7474 above U7with some wire connected here and there. Video seem to come from this pcb /***********************************************/ ACI Board not installed /***********************************************/ /***********************************************/ Keyboard /***********************************************/ Connected via 16 pins ribbon cable made by Key Tronic Corp. General Instrument 30293E-027 20-04592-027 keyboard controller!!!