Champion Golf bootleg set 2 This romset comes from a bootleg pcb.Game differences are: copyright string removed. Hardware info: Main cpu Z80 Sound cpu Z80A Sound ic AY-3-8910 Other ic NEC uPC339C low power quad comparator (for analog inputs) Pal16l8 is present but i cannot read it RAMS: 6264 x2 main/work 4116 x24 video 6116 backup (for high scores) Powered by a 3,6V Ni-Cd battery. Osc 18,432 Mhz Rom definition: cgb2-16.1a,cgb2-17.1c part of main program Rest of eproms are identical of existing sets (crgolf,crgolfbt) Eproms are 2764 Dumped by tirino73 ><