Ski (Alpine Ski bootleg) This romset comes from a working bootleg pcb.Game differences are: in title screen,chars modified to show "S K I" and copyright string to show only "1 9 8 2". Hardware info: this hack runs on the typical japanese bootleg of Taito SJ system.PAL is replaced by a small daughterboard with standard TTL ics.Most of unprotected games (and apart Kick Start that uses extended hardware) will run on it by a simple rom swapping.Some games tested by me: Elevator Action,Jungle King,Space Seeker,Time Tunnel,Water ski. Rom definition: s4.66 part of main program s9.001,s10.002 part of gfx Rest of eproms are identical of existing sets (alpinea for main code) Eproms are 2732 Dumped by tirino73 ><