Play Zone V001 4in1 This romfile comes from a bootleg pcb.Like 39in1 and 48in1 it is an hacked Mame emulator modified to run as coin-op.This version allow to play only the first four games of the list (Ms.Pacman,Galaga,Frogger,Donkey Kong) so i suppose that is one of the first version of it. Hardware is the same of 39in1 and 48in1.I cannot dump 93c66 eeprom security data and 29c160 flash rom with gfx/fonts/romfiles data since they are in SMD format,but i think that they are the same of other versions (the data of second device surely). Rom definition: pzv001-4 main program 93c66-4 decryption data* eprom is 27c4096 *Update: eeprom data dumped.Decryption is different from 39in1 dumped by tirino73 ><