Mach 3 - Copyright 1983 D. Gottlieb Co./Mylstar Electronics 7/4/97 The hardware for this classic game uses similar hardware to Gottlieb's Q*Bert. An 8088 Processor based system. Main PCB - 8088 CPU Sound Board - This is in fact a Gottlieb pinball sound board. It has two 6502 CPUs one for controlling the two GI AY-3-8913s and the other for controlling the GI Orator Speech Synthesizer chip. The sound board is capable of making all of the common Gottlieb sound effects like from Q*Bert etc. It is all pretty much algorithmic. Mach III interfaces with a Pioneer PR-8210 Laser Disc Player for background video. Gottlieb graphics and sound are overlayed on top of the video. M3DROM1 BIN 4,096 07-04-97 10:52p - Sound Board ROM M3YROM1 BIN 4,096 07-04-97 10:53p - Sound Board ROM MACH3FG0 BIN 8,192 07-04-97 10:56p - Foreground ROM MACH3FG1 BIN 8,192 07-04-97 10:58p - Foreground ROM MACH3FG2 BIN 8,192 07-04-97 10:58p - Foreground ROM MACH3FG3 BIN 8,192 07-04-97 10:58p - Foreground ROM MACH3BG1 BIN 4,096 07-04-97 11:09p - Background ROM MACH3BG0 BIN 4,096 07-04-97 11:09p - Background ROM M3ROM0 BIN 8,192 07-04-97 11:24p - Program ROM M3ROM1 BIN 8,192 07-04-97 11:25p - Program ROM M3ROM2 BIN 8,192 07-04-97 11:25p - Program ROM M3ROM3 BIN 8,192 07-04-97 11:26p - Program ROM M3ROM4 BIN 8,192 07-04-97 11:26p - Program ROM 16 file(s) 90,112 bytes