file : readme.txt author : rtw created: 2018-10-24 Mushiking The King Of Beetle, SEGA 2004, NAOMI M2/M3 Prototype Cart Even though there is no game name sticker on the cart the serial number on the the cart shell matches that of the PCB as well as the serial numebr stored in the secure FLASH. There is no EPROM Cart is populated with 11 FLASH ROMs. rom8,9,10 and 11 are unused and filled with the same pseudo random pattern. The actual game resides in rom1 to rom7. The dump has been validated against the ROM TEST checksums. The header in rom1 is incorrect. SEGA did not bother changing the checksum during development. Comments from MetalliC: Game has no any protection, neither cartridge protection or RFID Game data ISO file system built about month before release (28.04.2004 this dump and 31.05.2004 release) This cart is early version of Mushiking 2K3 2ND English, from early May 2004, about a month before the final version. (possible based on Japanese 2K4 1ST ver, as said in ROM header). Observed differences with final game: supports 6 x less Beetle cards, uses Japanese "License cards" and has no "Management Chip" (RFID) protection. "Management Chip"s decremented a counter at each coinup in English Mushikings. Cart type : M2/M3 Game Id : MUSHIUSA '04 1ST VER0.900 Protection key : None Name Size CRC32 ------------------------------------------------ mushiking_tkob_cart.jpg 553898 0x625f6e49 mushiking_tkob_pcb_1.jpg 1000753 0x859cf279 mushiking_tkob_pcb_2.jpg 1016844 0x134c4713 mushiking_tkob_rom_test.jpg 1862418 0x108a837e mushiking_tkob_title.jpg 272553 0x1dcd6903 Name Size CRC32 Chip Type ------------------------------------------ rom1.ic1s 8388608 0x9cdc8dcb 28F640 rom2.ic2s 8388608 0x7b637bb6 28F640 rom3.ic3s 8388608 0x6c6ddfbf 28F640 rom4.ic4s 8388608 0xa427002d 28F640 rom5.ic5s 8388608 0x7076a50e 28F640 rom6.ic6s 8388608 0xd7143066 28F640 rom7.ic7s 8388608 0x98839bab 28F640 sflash.bin 132 0x88f1db52 X76F100 serial EEPROM Note: This file is only included for completeness. It is the content of the unused ROMs. The exact same image is stored in all of them. Name Size CRC32 Chip Type ------------------------------------------ random.bin 8388608 0xa1d1339e 28F640 supplier: Jorge Valero credits: Jorge Valero, rtw dumper: rtw