file : readme.txt author : rtw created: 2021-09-20 version: 1.0.0 MUSHIKING TKOB 2K3 2ND KOR, (C) SEGA CORPORATION, 2003, NAOMI M1 cart. The cart is populated with an EPROM and 6 MASK ROMs. This is a standard M1 cart. On M1 carts data is stored as 32-bit words, however each of the MASK ROMs contain only 16 bits of the 32 bit word. In order for the dump to truthfully represent what is present on the PCB I have split the data across each pair of chips. This is the same which has been done for gram2000 in the NAOMI driver. The split algorithm is as follows: copy /b a1000000.bin+a1800000.bin merge.bin do get 1 byte from merge.bin and write it to nn.ic17s get 1 byte from merge.bin and write it to nn.ic17s get 1 byte from merge.bin and write it to nn.ic18 get 1 byte from merge.bin and write it to nn.ic18 while !eof in merge.bin This dump has been verified against the cart ROM test. Do not be alarmed even if you do not see the test of IC11. It has been disabled in the header. Note: This game requires a Korean BIOS Protection key : 0x3892fb3a Game Id : BHW0 Name Size CRC32 ------------------------------------------------------------ mushiking_tkob_2k3_2nd_kor_cart.png 5944162 0x5faec7e7 mushiking_tkob_2k3_2nd_kor_pcb_1.png 6173018 0x04e5d163 mushiking_tkob_2k3_2nd_kor_pcb_2.png 5852719 0x92f6bc89 mushiking_tkob_2k3_2nd_kor_rom_test.jpg 3128900 0x6571fa5e Name Size CRC32 Chip Type ----------------------------------------------- epr-24265.ic11 4194304 0xdccb210b 27C322 opr-24266.ic17s 8388608 0x293e5350 STM59PV640 opr-24267.ic18 8388608 0x80798f9a STM59PV640 opr-24268.ic19s 8388608 0xb512c772 STM59PV640 opr-24269.ic20 8388608 0x25d4a162 STM59PV640 opr-24270.ic21s 8388608 0x02a513ad STM59PV640 opr-24271.ic22 8388608 0x7e5c745c STM59PV640 sflash.bin 132 0x2299ab22 AT25010 serial EEPROM supplier: Jorge Valero credits: Jorge Valero, MetalliC, rtw dumper: rtw