Aladdin This romset comes from a bootleg pcb.The game is a coin-op conversion of the one developed for the Nintendo Super Famicom/Nes console.I cannot know gameplay differences since pcb is faulty. However,hardware is totally different.It seems to be based on Sega Mega Drive hardware with cpu clock increased,and since exists an "unlicensed" porting of the game for this system probably the "producers" are the same. Hardware info: Main cpu 68000P10 Work ram 64kb (62256 x2) Sound cpu z80B Sound ram 8kb (76c88-6264 x1) Sound ic Ym2612 (identified by pins,code was been erased.Named on board as TA07) Other ics Microchip PIC16C57 (probably it contains the MD modified bios) Dip-switch 8 x1 Osc 50 Mhz There are present 3 flat-pack chips with code erased again and named TA04,TA05,TA06 on board,which i have identified (generically) by looking the pcb as: TA04-Intercommunication and sync generator chip TA05-Input controller TA06-VDP (probably MD clone) Uses 2x D41264 SIL package as video ram Rom definition: M3,M4 main program M1,M2 graphics All eproms are 27c040 Dumped by tirino73 ><