Baryon - Future Assault By Semicom (1997) PCB hasn't any silkscreen Xtal 32mhz Xtal 27mhz (pixel clock) MC68EC020FG16 running at 32mhz/2 AD65 (Korean MSM6295) running at 32mhz/32 , pin 7 not connected ( =low) 2x FPGA ACTEL A1020B PL84C 2x dipswitches SOUND ROM: 1.bin PRG ROMS: 3.bin 4.bin 5.bin 6.bin GFX roms: 7.bin (text?) 8.bin 9.bin (16bit eprom) 10.bin 11.bin (16bit eprom) 2.bin (?) (16bit eprom) MCU (protected, not dumped): P87C52EBPN running at 32mhz/2 Dumped by Corrado Tomaselli 9/5/2011 Thanks to f205v for providing the funds to buy the game