Back Fire (Tecmo) 1988 This japanese romset comes from a bootleg pcb.Rare than the original. Hardware info: detailed main cpu Z80A sound cpu Z80A* see note sound ic ym3812 + 3014 Osc 8Mhz and 24Mhz -ram (cpu board): 6264 main/work 6116 (sub pcb*),6116, 2114 x3 sound 6116 character -ram (video board): 6116 scroll 6116 foreground 6116 background 4164 x20 object/sprites Rom definition: B4,B5 main program B2 sound program B3 character gfx B6 to B9 object gfx B10 to B13 foreground gfx B14 to B17 background gfx All eprom/rom are 27256,27512 *Note:The sound cpu was protected inside a epoxy block fit on a 40 pin socket in reverse of cpu board (solder side).By dissolving resin the small sub pcb contains Z80A (identified by pins),76c28 (6116),a 74ls00 and 74ls138. -Controls: This game uses 8way joystick and one button (shot).Hardware accept inputs by other two buttons as the jamma standard,but their function is the same of first one. -Dip switch settings: DIP 1 SW 1-2 coin slot 1 (max 9 credits) off off 1 coin 1 play on off 1 coin 2 play off on 1 coin 3 play on on 1 coin 6 play SW 3-4 coin slot 2 (max 99 credits) off off 1 coin 1 play on off 2 coin 1 play off on 1 coin 2 play on on 1 coin 3 play SW 7 table-upright off table on upright SW 5-6-8 not used DIP 2 SW 1-2-3 extend off off off 50,200,500k on off off 100,300,800k off on off 50,200k on on off 100,300k off off on 50k on off on 100k off on on 200k on on on nothing SW 4-5-6 difficulty off off off normal on off off hard 1 off on off | on on off | off off on | on off on | off on on | on on on hardest SW 7 continue off yes on no SW 8 invincibility (test mode)** see note off no -normal game on yes ** It is not total, in normal waves you die by collision with bosses shot,and with walls and enemies in cavern waves and final base. In normal waves,you cannot get special weapon objects too. Demo sound is always active by default.Dip switch are good by testing. Dip switch changes apart for coin settings are immediately effective (by next play and during play),no need of turn off/on power. Dumped tested and edited by tirino73 ><