Planet Probe - unknown manufacture - Copyright 1985 Game probably programmed by same people behind some Kyugo/Orca/Komax games (see hiscore table) Upper board marked DVL/A-V Bottom Bord DVL/B-V The pcb seems a bootleg/prototype: On the upper board there are some pads for jumpers , some empty spaces left unpopulated for additional TTLs and an XTAL. All 5 sockets for 2732 eproms were modified to accept 2764 eproms. The AY8910 pin 26 (TEST 2) is grounded with a flying wire Upper board chips: 5x 2764 eproms 1x 2128 static ram (2k ram) 2x z80B 1x AY8910 2x 8 positions dipswitches Bottom Board chips: 5x 2764 eproms 2x 2128 static ram (2kx8 ram) 3x 2114 static ram (1k x 4) 4x 93422 DRAM (256x4 dram) 1x 6301 PROM (probably used for background ?) 3x 82s129 Colour PROMS (connected to resistors) Clocks measured: Main XTAL 18.432mhz 2x z80 : 18.432 / 6 AY8910 : 18.432 / 12 Vsync : 60.58hz PCB provided by Alberto Grego PCB dumped by Corrado Tomaselli on 01.11.2012