file : readme.txt author : rtw created: 2021-08-10 version: 1.1.1 ANPANMAN POPCORN KOUJOU 2, (C) SEGA CORPORATION 2002 This is a popcorn vending machine where you can interact with a game while you wait for your real popcorn to pop. The game itself runs on a NAOMI and is controlled by a wheel. The faster you spin the wheel the more virtual popcorn you pop. The NAOMI is housed in a large metal box with external connectors for power and the popcorn interface. Inside the box we find: . NAOMI CRX (CN8 RS422 has 3V3 UART instead of RS422) . 838-14367 LED CONTROL BD . 839-1204-01 SERIAL I/F BD CRX . 839-1204 SERIAL I/F BD . 837-13844-02 I/O CONTROL BD (JVS Interface) See the directory: ./images for details. From the wiring diagram it looks like we are missing: . 838-14403 Popcorn Vendor Control BD . 2 x 838-14245 MAPLE/RS232C CONVERT BD, these boards do not have a ROM. The NAOMI uploads the firmware. These boards are connected to the NAOMI MAPLE bus. . 2 x 610-0760 (Maxell ME-PM01-RA-SG(BK) RFID reader) these plug into the 838-14245 boards. See the directory: ./doc for details. Here is a video of the machine in action: This is a standard M1 cart. On M1 carts data is stored as 32-bit words, however each of the MASK ROMs contain only 16 bits of the 32 bit word. In order for the dump to truthfully represent what is present on the PCB I have split the data across each pair of chips. This is the same which has been done for gram2000 in the NAOMI driver. The split algorithm is as follows: copy /b a1000000.bin+a1800000.bin merge.bin do get 1 byte from merge.bin and write it to nn.ic17s get 1 byte from merge.bin and write it to nn.ic17s get 1 byte from merge.bin and write it to nn.ic18 get 1 byte from merge.bin and write it to nn.ic18 while !eof in merge.bin This dump has been verified against the cart ROM test. do not be alaarmed even if you do not see the test of IC11. It has been disabled in the header. Protection key : 0x2f68b225 FPGA Id : 0x4655 Fun fact: The game id is: 0BFU, the FPGA id is: FU Name Size CRC32 ----------------------------------------------------------- anpanman_popcorn_koujou_2_rom_test.jpg 3310976 0xbf2e6412 anpanman_popcorn_koujou_2_cart.png 6243169 0xbcefa0d0 anpanman_popcorn_koujou_2_pcb_1.png 6128594 0x017dc085 anpanman_popcorn_koujou_2_pcb_2.png 5880161 0x4fee86fd NAOMI CART ---------- Name Size CRC32 Chip Type ----------------------------------------------- epr-24049b.ic11 4194304 0x7c810603 27C322 opr-24038.ic17s 8388608 0x7addc59b STM59PV640 opr-24039.ic18 8388608 0x97e16543 STM59PV640 opr-24040.ic19s 8388608 0x59a8d850 STM59PV640 opr-24041.ic20 8388608 0xd0e6dfd0 STM59PV640 sflash.bin 132 0xbd5d61f3 AT25010 serial EEPROM LED CONTROL BD -------------- Name Size CRC32 Chip Type --------------------------------------------- epr-24019a.ic2 524288 0x47d6f064 M27C4002 supplier: Darksoft credits: Darksoft, Jorge Valero, MetalliC, rtw dumper: rtw manual scan: konosuke