got this board In Mame getbass is marked as GET BASS STD, while my pcb came from a DLX cab. Rom board 833-13317 834-13318 sticker is on rom board too. On cage the follow sticker are present BSS-4500-CVT2 833-13317 GAME BD BSS-CVT2 I/O board 837-13283 (GET BASS MEC CONT BD in manual) 171-7558c epr20690.ic11 is controller board prg cpu is kl5c80a16cf this board have 4 switch (sw3 to sw6) a reset switch 2 bank of 8 dip switch SW1 all off SW2 all off lh52256cn-70 ram (super cap backup) sega 315-5296 sega 315-5649 both seem I/O chip gal16v8d (sega 315-6126) 32 Mhz xtal 93c45 eeprom