Bubble Symphony hack This romset comes from a bootleg single board modified Taito F3 System, the only known bootleg/hacked game of this system. Differences are: Date in copyright string removed part of background layer corrupted or missing (as i have seen in arcade). Hardware info: Main cpu 68020 Sound chip OKI6295 Other chips 2x A1020B PLC OSC 32 and 26Mhz. The audio section was totally modified. It lacks 68000 and Ensoniq chips,these surely due to availability problems and to hold low production costs. Some musics are missing,too. Sound volume regulation output is gained via common analog operational and power ic amplification (LM324 and 1241). In test mode,digital regulation hasn't effect,due to obvious reason. Rom definition: D11->ADPCM sound data D12 to D15->main program D11b to D15b and D16 to D20->graphics All eprom are 8bit (27C020,27C208 and 27C040,27C4001). Dumped by tirino73 >isolani@interfree.it<