7 e Mezzo edited by f205v MANUAL: ----------------------- ITALIAN: premere pulsante METER premere contemporaneamente pulsanti BET e DEAL premere e mantenendo premuto il pulsante di SCARICO e premendo il BET si programma la percentuale mantenendo premuto il pulsante di SCARICO con il pulsante HOLD1 si programma la gettoniera premendo HOLD2 si programma il coupon sempre mantenendo premuto il pulsante di SCARICO N.B. tutte le volte che si varia un qualsiasi delle programmazioni automaticamente si azzerano tutti i punteggi dopo di che riprogrammare la macchina ENGLISH: press METER press at the same time BET and DEAL pressing and keeping pressed SCARICO and pressing BET: percentage is programmed pressing and keeping pressed SCARICO and pressing HOLD1: coin slot is programmed pressing and keeping pressed SCARICO and pressing HOLD2: coupon is programmed PS every time you change any of the settings automatically score is erased, then program the machine again. DIP SWITCHES: -------------------------------------- DIP SWITCH 1 2 3 4 Lingua Francese OFF (French) Lingua Inglese ON (English) Scala reale inserita OFF (Royal flush inserted) Scala non inserita ON (Royal flush not inserted) Bet Max 20 OFF (max bet 20) Bet Max 50 ON (max bet 50) Sincronismi neg. OFF (sync NEG) Sincronismi pos. ON (sync POS) PINOUTS: --------------------------------- EDGE CONNECTOR: Solder Side Parts Side GND 30 GND +10 29 +10 +10 28 +10 unused 27 unused unused 26 unused GND 25 GND +12 24 +12 +12 23 +12 unused 22 unused common C (3) 21 common A (1) common D (4) 20 common B (2) DEAL 19 DOUBLE HOLD1 18 ************** HOLD2 17 HOLD5 HOLD3 16 HOLD4 METER 15 BET COUPON 14 13 coin 1 ************** 12 coin 2 take 11 pay small (play1) 10 big (play3) unused 9 unused unused 8 unused unused 7 unused ************** 6 ************** sync 5 ************** GND 4 GND speaker+ 3 speaker+ speaker- (GND) 2 speaker- (GND) +5 1 +5 LEGS CONNECTOR: 10 9 8 7 6 5 ************** 4 ************** 3 ************** 2 ************** 1 common (GND) (1) = DOUBLE.DEAL.********.BET.METER (2) = take.small.big.pay (3) = HOLD1. (4) = coin1.coin2.COUPON ************ = can not understand what's written in the schematics